Donnerstag, 8. November 2012


I'm super excited to show you what we will do Indiaaa:D

Our Outreach will start at 21 december but we will not go then to India. We went to a young couple, John and Mari. She is from Norway and he is from Christchurch. So we stay there for one week and celebrate with this lovely people christmas. I'm so excited. We will have on December the 24th a traditional Norway christmas and then the next day BBQ. And this all in summer:D So cool...

Then at december 27th we start our adventure we will fly to mumbay (purple) from there we travel with the train to Hampi (green). In Hampi we stay for 1 month to work in a christian cafe. This cafe was built from YWAM people and we have there every morning team meeting and worship. Soo good:D
Then at January the 19th we travel to Goa (pink) there we stay for 2 weeks and made some contacts with backpackers. At february 14th we will go for 3 weeks to kolkata (orange). There we will stay in a hostel and work in a mother theresa house. After this we will go to Agra (purple with A) there we'll have our debriefing week. This is like a week without ministry for our team. And there is the TAJ MAHAL... WOOOW:D and form there we will go to delhi and fly back to Christchurch where we'll have another week with all from the school:D

And then we'll travel with a few guys in New Zealand. After 3 weeks is this day I'm looking so forward to:D Michal and Achim will come (yeah) for 2 Weeks and we will stand the last 2 days in the base. Then we'll go for one night to Sydney and stand by a friend of mine:D So exciting... Thank you Jesus

Prayer Point
- for India and the special places we will stay
- For our team: here the names and when you got something for them let me know:D That would be so encouraging
- Ruby ( Leader), Vania, Markelle, Kathryn, Erik and myself...
- Safety for our team
- that the holy spirit will lead us
- My neck has ben stiff since 4 days:-( for healing:D

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