Freitag, 30. November 2012


Hey Guys

I'm so sorry my weeks here are so busy. And the time here at base is coming to a close.

Church serving week was in Nelson. Sooo beautiful. We worked for a Church there. We stayed in the pastors house and worked trough the day with shovel mulch and wrote verses on rocks. On Monday evening we went to the cable bay. It was pretty awesome there...
Then on Wednesday we could preach in the youth service. We could share our testimony and on sunday we helped in the service. It was there 25th birthday. That was so cool. The people were so lovely. We helped a family to make a new wall and they were so blessed. On sunday the made the best present ever for us. We had to go in the front and the pastor took a white pocket and gave everyone one. And in there were peunamu. Thats an traditional green stone. And you should wait until someone from New Zealand is giving you one and then you are accepted in there culture. People waiting for 2 Years. I was so close to tears. After that we went to an beautiful spot and put them in the river to bless them.. So good. The 3rd from right is mine. It was so an awesome week. My team is so awesome. It's gonna be a great time in India. I'm so pumped.

Then last week we had the theme mission. It was really inspiring. I loved the passion from the speaker and what he was teaching.

Then this weekend we went to West Coast. Ou yeah. Amazing. We were in a Jungle hostel. 5 Minutes from the Beach away. I had my first sunset at the Beach with worship time. I was so speechless. A fully load of the beautifulness of GOD. In the evening we went to a glowworm cave. WOW. We had a dance party in it and a few moments of quietness:D On saturday we went to the beach. but could reach the beach just through a river where you have to swim. Like a secret beach.

This two weekends were just amazing. I had so many good and not so good experience. One morning we had an spiritual warfare. But Jesus won ( Hey wins all the time). It was the perfect time. Two weeks ago the speaker preached about this and I was so scared. But since i had this fight i know witch power I have in the name of Jesus. And that we have the authority. We have just 3 weeks left here on base. The time is flying. In one point its so cool because I see Michal soon.  And you all;-) Exciting...:D But its so cool here. We speaked a lot over India here is the link where we work for the first 4 Weeks. I'm so pumped for it...

Prayer points:
- Against spiritual warfare
- For India for open hearts and safety
- For all people we met and we will met
- Just more from Jesus for all the world

Miss you Guys and bless you... 
Love you all...

Freitag, 16. November 2012

The Holy Spirit works

Hey my lovely friends

I had two so busy weeks. It's now Saturday afternoon and I sit in the library and write this:D

Last week was father heart week. That was so intense and good. Our speaker talked about wounds from mother and father. And how to forgive. Deep Stuff. 
Last weekend I was a weekend warrior. That means we stay at the base the hole weekend and cook and clean. It was so funny. We made chicken cordon bleu. It was so good:D 

This week was Holy Spirit week. Deep, deep. On Tuesday evening we had worship time, it was so intense, James wrote a song in half an hour ( holy Spirit). On Wednesday we could experiment the different in the holy Spirit. One part was, we sat in a circle and in the front was a mirror. 4 People looked in this mirror and read from 2 corinth. 3:18 and then we had to look at ourselves in the mirror, during the other people in the circle made some prophecies over you. It was so good sometimes 3 people had the same picture. The next experiment was, we went in a group of 4 and someone prayed over me in tongues and 3 other interpreted. Kekoa had a picture from me in the desert and over me was a cloud who gave me shade and water and where I'm going there is life:D 
The next one was. We went outside and made two lines. The front line didn't know who was behind. And we asked for words of knowledge. Kekoa was before me and had a picture from a owl who was painted on a wall and became to life and fly away... Wow. I was freaking out in this moment because in the morning a draw a owl for my mortal ( I explain later why). And how you can see the owl is in freedom. That stuff blows my mind. It was so good for me. Because i never knew what are my gifts and now I know. I can connect so fast with people and have the gift of compassion i can feel when something is wrong in a room. Ou Yeah... Thank you Jesus. 

This week was too the angel and mortal week. I had Elizabeth as mortal and it was so funny to bless her everyday. We made some back massages and treasure hunts. On Wednesday i draw this picture for her because it's her favorite animal. And for Thursday i got a letter from her best friend and gave this to her. On Thursday evening we had a "thanksgiving party" and the theme was masquerade. So the girls took her best dresses and the boys didn't took it so. We had turtles, Batman and Joker, Hulk, Zorro. It was so funny. I was the Joker. I made a mask but i decide to draw it on my face. It was so awesome. Batman (Tyler) an me we had so much fun this evening. It was so amazing. 

Team India

Donnerstag, 8. November 2012


I'm super excited to show you what we will do Indiaaa:D

Our Outreach will start at 21 december but we will not go then to India. We went to a young couple, John and Mari. She is from Norway and he is from Christchurch. So we stay there for one week and celebrate with this lovely people christmas. I'm so excited. We will have on December the 24th a traditional Norway christmas and then the next day BBQ. And this all in summer:D So cool...

Then at december 27th we start our adventure we will fly to mumbay (purple) from there we travel with the train to Hampi (green). In Hampi we stay for 1 month to work in a christian cafe. This cafe was built from YWAM people and we have there every morning team meeting and worship. Soo good:D
Then at January the 19th we travel to Goa (pink) there we stay for 2 weeks and made some contacts with backpackers. At february 14th we will go for 3 weeks to kolkata (orange). There we will stay in a hostel and work in a mother theresa house. After this we will go to Agra (purple with A) there we'll have our debriefing week. This is like a week without ministry for our team. And there is the TAJ MAHAL... WOOOW:D and form there we will go to delhi and fly back to Christchurch where we'll have another week with all from the school:D

And then we'll travel with a few guys in New Zealand. After 3 weeks is this day I'm looking so forward to:D Michal and Achim will come (yeah) for 2 Weeks and we will stand the last 2 days in the base. Then we'll go for one night to Sydney and stand by a friend of mine:D So exciting... Thank you Jesus

Prayer Point
- for India and the special places we will stay
- For our team: here the names and when you got something for them let me know:D That would be so encouraging
- Ruby ( Leader), Vania, Markelle, Kathryn, Erik and myself...
- Safety for our team
- that the holy spirit will lead us
- My neck has ben stiff since 4 days:-( for healing:D

Dienstag, 6. November 2012

Hi Guys

What’s up? 
It’s another week over. The time here is going so fast. We had a few more mind blewing thoughts about the jewish traditions. He explained us every feast from the jewish people. They made so many different feast’s but they don’t know why. I’m so excited to meet one and tell them about de Messiah:D so they haven’t to wait for it:D

At the weekend we went a second time to Kaikoura. It was so awesome. The weather was amazing it was 25° C and we stayed in a nice hostel. There were 2 swiss people it was so good to speek swiss german. Then was there Sebastian. He is a french teacher and tooked one year off to travel. And Stuart he is an english guy. Two Girls from wales (important not from england from Wales). On sunday we walked 4 hours around the hole Island. It was so nice. Here a few picture’s.
This week we have Gordon. He is a guy who bring us the father heart closer. The theme is to heal wounds from our hearts who we get from words or stuff in the past. 

Prayer Points:
  • for this week, that my wounds will open and I can let they heal from Jesus
  • for power and against the attacks from the enemies
  • for India prepare our place there